Mental Health

Mental Health Support
Essex Partnership University NHS Trust (EPUT) | FEP First episode in psychosis service | Specialist care for people aged 14-65 who are experiencing psychosis for the first time. |
Essex Partnership University NHS Trust (EPUT) | Mental health crisis support |
Mentions you can also access the service calling 111 select option for mental health only over 18's |
North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT) offers Southend, Essex and Thurrock child and adolescent mental health service (SET CAMHS). | Mental health - support for adolescents and children. | Provides advice and support for children and young people and families who are needing support with emotional welbeing or mental health living in West Essex |
Vita Health Group | Mental health support | Support for West Essex residents experiencing excessive worry, low mood, depression, anxiety. Self refer by calling, completing online form or digital assistant. You can also visit a drop in service. |
Essex wellbeing services (EWS) |
Mental health and emotional wellbeing support |
Emotional, psychological and social wellbeing support. |