Clinics We Offer
We offer a variety of clinics at the practice which are listed below. Many other clinics are available locally within the NHS – please contact us if the service you require is not listed.

Chronic Disease Management
The doctor or nurse carries out regular reviews of patients with chronic diseases such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease, COPD or cancer. You will be monitored regularly and be invited for a full review once a year.
Nurse Clinic
Please book an appointment with a nurse for immunisations, ear syringing, chronic disease management, contraception, cervical smears, wound dressings, removal of sutures, ring pessary and lifestyle advice.
Healthcare Clinic
Please use this service if you require blood pressure checks, ear syringing, E.C.G’s, support for weight management, new patient medicals, removal of sutures or NHS health checks.

Family Planning
Advice on all forms of contraception is given. Coils are fitted at the surgery. Patients may register just for family planning advice. Please note we do not insert or remove contraceptive implants.
Emergency Contraception
This service is available on a daily basis. The ‘Morning After’ pill is effective if taken during the 72 hours after you have been at risk. You can speak to our receptionists in absolute confidence to make an urgent appointment.

Ante Natal Clinic
Generally antenatal care is shared by the hospital and the GP. Ante-natal patients will initially be seen by the GP at 8 weeks into the pregnancy and referred to the appropriate hospital. A member of the midwifery team will then contact the patient to arrange a booking appointment.
Post-natal Care
All new mums will be invited to have a 6 week post-natal check. Babies will have a developmental check at the same time. Please contact the surgery for a triple appointment for you and your baby.
Cervical Smears
We continue to carry out routine cervical smears; please telephone the surgery to book your appointment with one of our nurses. These are routinely done between the ages of 25 and 65. Cervical smears are carried out every 3 years up until the age of 50 and, thereafter, every 5 years. Abnormal smears will be followed up more frequently.

Childhood Immunisations
Please continue to book in your children for their routine immunisations. As long as all members of the household are well and not displaying symptoms of Coronavirus or other infections, children should have routine childhood immunisations as normal.
We are taking appropriate measures to minimise the risk to staff and patients by reducing the number of people coming into the surgery, therefore only one parent/guardian is to accompany the child.
Child Health Surveillance
The doctors carry out developmental checks by arrangement for infants’ around 6-8 weeks of age. Routine childhood vaccinations are carried out by the practice nurse by prior appointment. Parental permission is required for all vaccinations. If a parent or guardian is arranging for another responsible adult to bring the child for immunisation, this must be discussed with the nurse prior to the immunisation and consent must be provided in writing.
Sepsis Awareness Information
Please click on the leaflet below to find out how to spot Sepsis and serious illness in children.

Minor Ailments
These clinics are run by our nurse practitioner, Noelle Garrett who is a qualified prescriber. The clinic is designed to run in conjunction with the doctors’ surgeries and enables prompt referral to a doctor if necessary. Our reception staff will be able to help you confirm that it will be appropriate for you to be seen in this clinic.
B12 injections
We continue to carry out Vitamin B12 injections. Please telephone the surgery to book your appointment.
Private Referrals and Prescriptions
If you wish to see a consultant privately you must discuss the matter in advance with your GP who will provide a referral letter if appropriate. Prescriptions from private consultants will not automatically be provided on an NHS prescription.

Smoking Cessation
Please contact or call 0300 303 9988 for further information or help completing an online assessment form.
The dietitian is here once every other month and can be seen by appointment if referred by the doctor or practice nurse. The dietitian also holds a diabetic clinic.
Young People Services
While we prefer to see young people with their parents, we are willing to offer a confidential and sympathetic consultation to any young person if requested, to offer advice about emotional development, contraception, health education, or any health related problem. Please make an appointment with the doctor or nurse.